Job Audits
A job audit is the process which analyzes requests for (a) new positions and (b) reclassifications. These requests must be audited by HR's Compensation team.
Explore this site to learn more details about the job audit process. You can also download the job audit presentation on the right.
If you have gone through the job audit process and wish to provide feedback, please share your experience by clicking the button below.
Types of Audits

1) New Position
New positions are any position being added to a departmental account. All new positions must be audited by Human Resources prior to posting a job vacancy.
When are they created?
New positions are created when a department has a vacancy for a position with specific duties and available funding for the position. A new title may be created if the proposed duties and pay grade do not fit within the University Pay Plan.
How to determine starting pay?
Market ranges within the University Pay Plan are used to determine competitive starting pay for candidates accepting new positions.
The University utilizes a comprehensive set of factors to determine salary decisions, including initial offers. The factors are:
- qualifications (education, experience, unique skills);
- job content and individual performance contributions;
- the position of the employee’s pay in the market pay range;
- employee’s pay relative to similar jobs at Texas State, and;
- pay history.
2) Reclassification
A reclassification is a technical adjustment in a position’s title due to significant changes in core job duties and responsibilities, which may or may not result in a pay increase. All reclassifications must be audited by Human Resources.
How to determine pay?
Reclassification to a title in a higher pay grade
If an employee’s salary is below the minimum of the new title according to the University Pay Plan, the employee receives an increase to the new minimum.
Reclassification to a title in a same pay grade
If the employee’s new salary is at their current rate of pay, a reclassification increase is not required. However, management may grant an additional pay increase by separate PCR through administrative channels, if desired.
E.g., If the employee‘s salary is equal to or greater than the new minimum, no reclassification increase is required.
Reclassification to a title in a lower pay grade
If the employee is reclassified to a title in a lower pay grade, the employee’s salary does not change unless it is above the maximum for the new grade.
In such a case, the employee’s salary is reduced to the new maximum. This only affects classified positions, which have established University Pay Plan minimums and maximums.

The Job Audit Process
View this infographic for a summary of the process.
How does the process work?
Identify a need and make a request
In order for a job audit request to even exist, the department must first have a need for a new position or must identify that duties of a certain position have significantly changed.
- Reorganization
- Demonstrable/meaningful changes in job duties
- New supervisory or lead responsibilities
Get VP approval
An account manager must obtain divisional Vice President agreement that a new position or reclassification audit is needed. Good practice is to describe how a position has evolved, or the gap a new position would fill in the office.
Gather documents and create requisition
Once the account manager receives approval, he or she needs to create a requisition online using the People Admin system and attach all required documents (e.g., justification memo, organizational chart, Job Analysis Form [JAF].)
Funding approval
Once all required documents are uploaded into PeopleAdmin, the audit is electronically sent to the Budget Office. The Budget Office verifies that funding is available for the new position or reclassification(*) being requested. Once verified, the Budget Office forwards the audit to Human Resources.
If funding cannot be verified, the Budget Office will contact the account manager.
(*)The account manager must consider any potential pay increase for the current incumbent. Policy recommends a 15% salary increase for a reclassified position. However, no increase is required if the employee’s current salary is above the pay plan minimum for the new title.
HR reviews audit
Once funding is approved, the Budget Office forwards the audit request to the Human Resources Office via PeopleAdmin. Audits are reviewed in the order they are received.
HR evaluates the:
- documents submitted by the department(*),
- information gathered in staff interviews(**),
- market data,
- criteria for standard classification systems.
(*) The account manager will be notified by HR if any information is missing.
(**) HR may or may not schedule interviews to gather further information for the audit.
Implementation of results
After evaluation of all material, HR may:
- approve the department’s recommendation for job title and pay plan minimum,
- approve the recommended title and recommend a different pay plan minimum,
- approve a different title and pay plan minimum,
- recommend that no change be made.
Human Resources completes the audit and notifies the account manager of the decision through the PeopleAdmin system.
Results are made effective the first of the next month of when the audit is completed. Unless there is a change in FLSA status, then the first Sunday of the following month is the effective date.
Appeal (if necessary)
The account manager may appeal audit results in writing via his/her divisional VP to the Vice President for Finance and Support Services (VPFSS) with a copy to Human Resources. The appeal should explain the a) reason for disagreement, and b) justification for desired result.
VPFSS reviews appeal and audit findings, meets with divisional VP, account manager, and Human Resources, as needed. VPFSS responds to account manager in writing via appropriate divisional VP.
What documents are required?
A requisition (available online via PeopleAdmin) is used to request any job audit. The requisition should be completed with the following documents attached: justification memo, organizational chart, and Job Analysis Form (JAF).
Job Analysis Form (JAF)
The JAF is a detailed and specific listing of the duties, knowledge, skills, abilities and other requirements particular to an employee’s position. The JAF is used to create a new position and reclassify an existing position.
- new position: duties should reflect anticipated tasks
- reclassification: duties should reflect the most current tasks of the incumbent
The JAF replaced the GOJA to streamline the informational requirements for proper position classification.
Justification Memo
New positions:
The account manager prepares a written justification for the requested title. The memo should explain how the new position will impact the organization and how it fits into the existing structure.
The account manager details how the specific duties/responsibilities have changed. The memo may also provide a brief history of the position and how the duties have evolved.
Organizational Chart
The account manager should provide 1) a current and 2) proposed organizational chart reflecting the audited position’s relationship to others in the department.
Job Description (optional)
Job descriptions help you see how your job fits within the university as you plan and navigate your career. Job descriptions are developed by the Compensation team, in partnership with hiring managers. Each job description includes the job title, pay grade, and FLSA exemption status.
To access job descriptions, please visit our University Pay Plan.