Human Resources has compiled the following forms and documents to assist users with hiring, onboarding, performance management, and more. All resources are listed alphabetically; please click the drop-down arrow to expand the form and view the purpose statement.
If you have questions or have trouble finding a particular form, please contact Human Resources at 5.2557.
*Note: The Outside Employment & Activities form (UPPS 04.04.06) is now housed in SAP under the "Self-Report" tab.
Compensation Forms
Job Analysis Form (JAF)
Job Analysis Form (JAF) | Use to create a new position or reclassify an existing position.
Employee Education Benefits
Academic Release & Tuition Support
Academic Release & Tuition Support | If participating in academic credit courses, full-time benefits eligible employees can request paid class release time, opt-out of fee waiver or request their department pay for remaining fees and tuition.
Application for Staff Educational Development Leave
Application for Staff Educational Development Leave | Candidate application for participation in the program.
GED Reimbursement and Release Time
GED Reimbursement and Release Time | Supervisor Approval for leave and verification of completion documents
Employee List Request
Request for Employee Labels List
Request Employee List | Request a list of names and addresses for the purpose of reaching a specific audience (e.g. request a list of admins for the purpose of mass emailing all users with an administrative assistant title)
Instructions for Printing Mailing Labels
Instructions for Printing Mailing Labels | Printer instructions and template to print mailing labels.
Talent Acquisition Forms
Background Inquiry Request
Effective March 1, 2025, the department of Online and Extended Programs (OXP) is now responsible for the administration of requirements for minors on campus, including camps. For additional information and background check requests associated with camps, programs, and labs please visit the Minors on Campus website.
Background Check Request | Use this form to request an individual or batch of background investigation for NSNR’s (hourly), graduate assistants, student employees, or volunteers.Background Check Batch Request | Use this Excel document to submit 5 or more criminal history background check requests for NSNR’s (hourly), student employees, or volunteers.
Employment Verification
Employment Verification for Applicant | Use to complete a job applicant employment reference check.
Current & Former Employee HR Records Request | Use to request current or former university employee human resources records.
Pre-Employment Substance Abuse Testing
Concentra's Employer's Authorization for Examination or Treatment | For use by Round Rock Campus pre-employment substance abuse testing only. To be presented at the time of examination or treatment and filled out by Concentra personnel.
Security Authorization Forms
PeopleAdmin Security Authorization Form | Use to obtain security authorization to access PeopleAdmin.
HireRight Access Security Form | Use to obtain security authorization to access HireRight.
Volunteer Release & Appointment Form
Volunteer's Release Appointment Form
Note: This form is to be completed and signed by the volunteer and the account manager for the area in which volunteer provides services.
Relocation Services Request
Volunteer's Release/Appointment Form
This form is to be completed and signed by the volunteer and the account manager for the area in which volunteer provides services.
Employee Relations
Consultation Request Form
- HR Consultation Request Form | Please use this form to request a consultation with Human Resources. Per UPPS 04.04.40, before taking disciplinary action upon an employee, supervisors must consult with a Human Resources Representative.
Disciplinary Templates
Grievance Forms
• Advisor Certification Form | For employees seeking representation for a grievance against Texas State.
• Staff Employee Grievance Form | Use by the employee for filing a grievance.
Mediation Forms
• Mediation Guidelines for Staff | Use to provide staff with a detailed overview of the mediation process.
• Mediation Intake Form | In order to begin the mediation process both parties must agree to mediation by completing this form; this form will by provided by the mediation coordinator to both parties participating in the mediation process.
Performance Improvement Forms
• Performance Improvement Form | Use by supervisors to document detailed employee performance improvement needs.
• Follow-Up to Performance Improvement Form | Use by supervisors to document a detailed account of how the employee has improved or failed to improve according to recommendations in the Performance Improvement Form.
• Performance Commendation Form | Use by supervisors to document how an employee has exceeded performance expectations.
Reasonable Suspicion Testing Forms
• Supervisor's Guide | Provided to supervisor's to inform them of the policies and procedures for drug, alcohol, and performance altering substance testing.
• Incident Report | Use to report an employee incident pertaining to drug, alcohol, and performance altering substance abuse at work.
• Reasonable Suspicion Observation Form | Use to report suspicious employee behavior.
• Consent to Reasonable Suspicion Testing | Use to consent and agree to alcohol and/or drug testing by Texas State.
• Refusal to Consent to Reasonable Suspicion Testing | For refusal of alcohol and/or drug testing by Texas State.
• Taxi Voucher | Use to request authorization from Texas State to submit taxi payment for employee transportation from campus.
Dental Insurance Forms
• DHMO Primary Care Dentist (PCD) Selection/Change | Use to name/update your PCD (Required for DHMO)
• Nominate a dental provider | Use to nominate a provider for DHMO or State of Texas Dental Choice PPO Plans
• Dental PPO Claim Form | Use to file a claim for reimbursement after receiving services from an out-of-network provider
HealthSelect Forms
HealthSelect Forms | All HealthSelect forms including claims, HIPAA Disclosure Authorization, HealthSelect provider nomination, and Master Plan Benefit documents.
Prescription Drug Program Forms
Express Scripts Mail Order Service Form | To order a 90-day supply via mail order.
Express Scripts Claim Reimbursement Form | To submit a claim for reimbursement.
Short/Long Term Disability Forms
Short/Long Term Disability Forms | Use to file a short or long-term disability claim.
State of Texas Vision Forms
State of Texas Vision Forms | Vision forms including claim forms, HIPAA Authorization form, and State of Texas Vision provider nomination.
Summer Insurance Pre-Payment Form
Summer Insurance Pre-Payment Form | For 9-month pay benefits-eligible employees (e.g., faculty or graduate assistants) not on salary spread to designate how they will pay insurance premiums over the summer months.
TexFlex Forms
TexFlex Forms | Information on submitting TexFlex claims, Letter of Medical Necessity form , and IRS related Tex-Flex forms.
Workers Compensation
Workers' Compensation | Visit Environmental Health, Safety, and Risk Management (ESHRM) for more information about workers' compensation claims.
Leave and Time
Faculty/Staff Application for Leave Approval
Faculty/Staff Application for Leave Approval | To request approval for employee leave and send for proper routing and signatures.
Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)
• Family Medical Leave Request Form | To request leave under the Family & Medical Leave Act.
• Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee's Serious Health Condition | Used when an employee requests time off for own health condition.
• Certification of Health Care Provider for Family Member’s Serious Health Condition | Used when an employee requests time off for a family member with a health condition.
• Certification of Qualifying Exigency for Military Family Leave | Use when employee requests time off for family member called to active military duty.
• Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of Covered Service Member for Military Family Leave | Use when employee requests time off to care for a family member injured while on active military duty.
Remote Working/Telecommuting Form
Access SAP to complete the Remote Working/ Telecommuting Request Form.
- User Guide: This guide will help you fill out the form.
- Supervisor Approval Guide: This guide will help supervisors approve or deny request forms.
More information on remote working/telecommuting can be found within UPPS No. 04.04.01.
Sick Leave Forms
• Sick Leave Pool Request/Donation | To donate or request hours from the Sick Leave Pool.
• Sick Leave Donation to Individual - Donor | To donate sick leave to an individual employee.
• Sick Leave Donation to Individual - Recipient | To receive donated sick leave from an individual employee.
Time Reporting
• SAP Attendance and Absence Codes | Summary of all attendance and absence codes used to enter the appropriate employee leave time.
• Monthly Time Report for Salaried Employees | Use to report salaried employee work hours and time taken .
• Semi-Monthly Time Report for Hourly Employees | Use to report hourly employee work hours.
• Request for Payment of Leave | Use to request lump-sum payment of FLSA overtime, vacation or sick leave.
• Doctoral and Graduate Assistant Timekeeping Guidelines | Use to guide doctoral and graduate assistants through the appropriate method for entering time worked.
Prior State Service Form
Prior State Service Form | Complete if you have worked for a Texas state agency in the last 12 months.
New Hire Support
Selective Service Verification
Male hires between the ages of 18-25 are required to submit proof of Selective Service. Military Selective Service Act
- Go to
- Locate the "Check A Registration" link
- Print a copy of the online verification of "Proof of Selective Service Registration"
Almost all men age 18-25 who are U.S. citizens or are immigrants living in the U.S. are required to be registered with Selective Service.
Men in the U.S. on student, visitor, or diplomatic visas and women are not required to register. For other exemptions please the Who Must Register website.
Graduate Student
• GA & DA Welcome Letter Email | To be sent to your new hire prior to their start date.
• Personal Data Sheet | To be sent to your new hire prior to their start date and returned completed form to PCR initiator.
• Graduate Student Health Insurance Comparison | Information and medical insurance comparison chart for benefits-eligible graduate student employees.
• Graduate Student Insurance Enrollment Information | Onboarding course containing the eligibility criteria and enrollment instructions for graduate and doctoral student insurance.
• I-9 Completion and E-Verify Validation | Link to HireRight to initiate Form I-9.
• New Employee Notices | Important notices for new employees required by law.
• Graduate Student Insurance Eligibility Acknowledgement | For graduate students to sign acknowledging notice of insurance eligibility. Applicable for 50% FTE graduate appointments. This form should be completed and attached to the PCR.
Doctoral and Graduate Student Job Survey |
Doctoral and Student Stipend Request |
Request to Remove Leave Without Pay for Graduate Students:
Hourly Student Worker
• Additional Appointment for Student Worker | For student employees already working on campus as a student worker.
• Hourly Student Worker Acknowledgement Form | Use in addition to every type of student worker appointment (PCR Initiator: Attach to PCR)
• International Student Worker Checklist | Use in addition to Quick Hire or Quick Rehire documents
• Quick Hire Student Worker | For student employees who have not worked at Texas State previously
• Quick Rehire Student Worker | For student employees who have worked at Texas State previously
Employee Confidentiality Agreement
Employee Confidentiality Agreement | Requires all Texas State University employees to protect sensitive information. All employees must complete and sign this form.
Benefits - Eligible Faculty
- Faculty Forms
- Personal Data Sheet | To be sent to your new hire prior to their start date and returned completed form to PCR initiator.
Benefits - Eligible Staff
• N.E.W. Employee Onboarding: Administrative Steps | Use to guide administrative staff through the required steps for processing new employees.
• N.E.W. Employee Onboarding: Manager's Steps | Use to guide departmental hiring managers through university best practices for onboarding a new employee.
• New Employee Welcome UPPS 04.04.15 | Policy and Procedures for onboarding new staff
• NEW Welcome Email Template | To be sent to your new hire prior to their start date.
• Personal Data Sheet | To be sent to your new hire prior to their start date and returned completed form to PCR initiator.
• I-9 List of Acceptable Documents | Documents a new employee must provide to prove eligibility to work in the U.S.
• Completion of ZHRPEOPLESEARCH and Request for NetID | Use to request and set up a new employee with a NetID
Hourly Non-Student Non-Regular (NSNR) Staff
• Criminal History Background Check Request | Use to request a criminal history check for NSNR & student workers.
• I-9 Completion and E-Verify Validation | Link to HireRight to initiate Form I-9.
• Non-Student, Non-Regular Temporary Employment Application | Application for employment for temporary staff positions.
• New Employee Notices | Important notices for new employees required by law.
• Personal Data Sheet | To be sent to your new hire prior to their start date and returned completed form to PCR initiator.
Staff Task Worker
• Criminal History Background Check Request | Use to request a criminal history check for NSNR & student workers.
• I-9 Completion and E-Verify Validation | Link to HireRight to initiate Form I-9.
• New Employee Notices | Important notices for new employees required by law.
• Task Worker Application | Application for employment for task worker position.
• Personal Data Sheet | To be sent to your new hire prior to their start date and returned completed form to PCR initiator.
Nominations For Outstanding Service
Employee of the Month Nomination Form
Do you work with someone you feel should be recognized for their quality services at Texas State? Here’s an opportunity to do something about it.
To nominate an individual, please visit the website.You will need to log in to the secure ITS site and complete the form. The nomination form will be directed to the VPFSS office electronically.
Quarterly Team Recognition Award Nomination Form
Do you know of a team that deserves recognition for their work? Here’s an opportunity for you to voice your appreciation.
Anyone can nominate a Texas State team that has provided outstanding service to the university. To nominate a team, complete the on-line form. Nominations are submitted to the VPFSS Office.
Personal Information Updates
Personal Data and Address Change Form
Personal Data and Address Change Form | Request an update to employee name or address.
Employee Office Location Change
Employee Office Location Changes | Use to update office locations for multiple employees
Organizational Management
Checklist for New/Reassign Organization
Checklist to Request New/Reassign All or Part of an Organization within SAP HR | To guide managers through the appropriate steps to move a position(s) from one organization to another existing or new organization, and how to create or change an organizational unit (for departmental use only - do not send to MDC).
New/Reassign Organization Change Request
Form to Request New/Reassign All or Part of an Organization within SAP HR | Submit this form to MDC for a position(s) being moved from one organization to another existing or new organization, or to create or change an organizational unit.
SAP HR Security Authorization Form
Human Resources - Departmental Services Security Authorization Forms (SAP) | To obtain security authorization to access the SAP Human Resources security roles.
New Position Data Form
New Position Data Form | To create a new position in SAP for Student Workers, NSNRs, and non-academic division Graduate Student Workers. For volunteers, please submit your request via PeopleAdmin.
New Position Data Form - FAR Processing | To create a new faculty or graduate student position in the Division of Academic Affairs. This form goes to Faculty Academic Resources for processing.
Supervisor Change Request Form
Supervisor Change Request Form | To change the supervisor relationship in SAP on positions.
Assign Training to a Position
SAP Training Request form | To request to assign a required training to an individual position.
Optional Retirement Program (ORP) and Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan (403b)
• ORP Authorization for Reduction of Employee Contributions | Use to elect participation in ORP in lieu of TRS and authorize a salary reduction for the the purpose of depositing those funds in a Optional Retirement Account.
• Notice of Election to Participate in the Optional Retirement Program (TRS-28) | Required upon initial ORP election in lieu of TRS
• Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan Authorization | Use to authorize a salary reduction for the the purpose of depositing those funds in a 403(b) Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan (Tax Deferred Account).
TexaSaver Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan Forms (457)
• Enrollment Information | Find ways to enroll directly through TexaSaver
• TexaSaver 457 Forms | Printable forms that can be sent directly to TexaSaver
Teacher Retirement of Texas (TRS) Forms
• TRS Designation of Beneficiary (TRS-15) | Complete and mail directly to TRS to name beneficiaries.
• Steps for Refunding Your Member Account | Information about requesting a refund of your TRS monies after separation of TRS Employment.
• TRS Application for Refund (TRS-6) | Complete and mail directly to TRS upon separation.
Salaried Employee Departmental Checklist for Separating Employees
Salaried Employee Departmental Checklist for Separating Employees | Submit this form to Human Resources for all separating staff, faculty and graduate students paid monthly.
Transfer to Another Department Checklist
Transfer to Another Department Checklist | This checklist should be used when an employee transfers from one department to another, but does not separate employment with the university.
Hourly Employee Separation Checklist
Hourly Employee Separation Checklist | To guide hiring managers through the appropriate steps to separate a student worker or a non-student non-regular staff (for departmental use only - do not send to HR).
Request for Payment of Leave
Request for Payment of Leave | Use to request lump-sum payment of FLSA overtime, vacation or sick leave.
TRS Notice of Termination & Request for Refund (TRS-6)
• Steps for Refunding Your Member Account | Information about requesting a refund of your TRS monies after separation of TRS Employment.
• TRS Application for Refund (TRS-6) | Complete and mail directly to TRS upon separation.