Job Classification
Explore how positions are classified and the changes in classification that occur based on certain standards. This site also details the job audit process to help classify positions.
Quick links:
University Pay Plan | How to request an audit for a position guide? | How to reclassify an existing position? | Hiring User Guides

Important Notice: Position Description Update Requests
Due to the recent compensation study and proposed new compensation structure that will be implemented starting September 1, 2024, the Office of Human Resources is requesting that all position description updates be completed by May 31, 2024. Updating position descriptions will ensure that each position is in its appropriate job title and classified and paid correctly in the new compensation structure. Learn More.
How changes in classification occur
Changes in classification mainly occur due to a significant modification in job duties and responsibilities. If the core duties of a job changes considerably, managers can contact the Compensation team to assess the most appropriate classification and consider the possibility of a job audit.
A job audit is the process which analyzes requests for (a) new positions and (b) reclassifications. Visit our Job Audit website for more information.
How positions are classified
Texas State has staff, faculty and student worker positions, which are classified based on:
1) Duties and knowledge, skills and abilities
Jobs are evaluated in order to objectively define and identify the core duties, responsibilities, tasks and authority level of positions.The duties and level of the position determine the assignment of a classification and job title to a position.
The Job Analysis Form (JAF) is the document used to describe positions in detail. (This form replaced the Guidelines Oriented Job Analysis [GOJA]).

2) Categories of staff positions
Staff employees may vary in the times worked in a workweek, depending on the requirements of the position. These designations range from full-time to split appointees.
3) The law
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) status
General Information
According to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), all job classifications are designated either "Unclassified" (Exempt) or "Classified" (Non-exempt).
Both exempt and non-exempt employees may earn state comp time. To learn more about state comp time, please visit the Staff Overtime and Comp Time Policy (UPPS 04.04.16).
For more information about FLSA visit our Legal Requirements website. You can also visit the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor.
Unclassified / Exempt
Employees are not eligible to receive overtime pay and are not subject to record keeping. There are different categories of exempt positions (e.g., Executive, Administrative, Professional, Computer-Related, and Highly Compensated).
Read more about the exemption categories here.
Classified / Non-exempt
Employees are protected by the overtime provisions of FLSA and are required to keep record of the specific hours they work so they are paid overtime (1.5 times the regular rate) when they work more than 40 hours in a week.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Job Category
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEO) has classified nine major job categories. Read more here.

4) Other guidelines for specific positions
Guidelines exist for appointing certain positions, including management, supervisor, administrative assistant, grant and flex titles. Click on each category for more information.