Benchmarking & Pay
Ever wonder how a position is assigned to a pay grade within our Texas State salary structure? Below you'll find information on the steps involved in benchmarking and compensating positions.
One of our compensation goals is to establish compensation levels for positions on the basis of their scope and impact relative to markets.
For a complete breakdown of our pay structure, please visit the University Pay Plan.

How we benchmark our positions

1) Classify
First, information is gathered to determine the scope of the main responsibilities, specific duties, decision making autonomy and reporting lines of each position. Next, the position is analyzed against existing positions so that it aligns and fits within the University Pay Plan.
2) Compare to Market Data
Second, positions are then compared to market data based on 1) industry (e.g., higher education, public sector); 2) institution size, and; 3) geography (e.g., local, regional or national). The labor markets for Texas State staff are the Local, University and Athletics markets.
Local Market
The Local market area is the I-35 Corridor through Austin and San Antonio. Survey data for this market is usually purchased from private vendors.
Most Classified and selected Unclassified positions are included in this market.
University Market
The University market is all institutions reporting in the designated categories approved by President’s Cabinet in the annual College and University Professional Association – Human Resources (CUPA-HR) Administrative Compensation Survey, and the CUPA-HR Mid-Level Administrative and Professional Survey.
The designated category for the CUPA-HR Administrative Compensation Survey and the Mid-Level Administrative and Professional Survey is the “Unweighted Median Salary by Budget Quartile - Doctoral Institutions".
All administrative officer positions and selected Unclassified and Classified positions are included in this market.
The Athletics market is determined by the Director of Athletics in consultation with the President. Only coach and certain non-coach staff positions, as determined by the Director of Athletics and the President, are in this market. Other positions within Athletics are in the University or Local market, as appropriate.

3) Salary Survey Research
Third, once the appropriate scope for the position is determined, we rely on salary survey sources to identify other similar positions in the market. A market position must match at least 70% of the responsibilities of a Texas State position to be considered a match. A position with a direct market comparison is called a benchmark position.
4) Benchmark Positions at Market Rate
Next, benchmark positions are matched to the median market salary. This is how pay grades are assigned to positions. The “market rate” for Texas State staff positions is benchmarked at 96% and the minimum pay plan rate is placed on the nearest pay grade for the position. (E.g., If a market median salary for a position is $47,000, that position is assigned to pay grade 22.)
If there is not a direct benchmark for a position, the position is compared against a known benchmark position and a relative value or a "plug" is created. A "plug" is used to establish the relative value of a position when market data is unavailable.
Local Market
The market rate is 96% of the unweighted median rates for jobs matched to the Texas State position placed on the nearest grade.
The market rate is 96% of the unweighted median rates reported in the appropriate designated categories in the CUPA-HR Administrative Compensation and CUPA-HR Mid-Level Administrative and Professional surveys for jobs matched to the Texas State position placed on the nearest grade.
The market rate, pay plan minimums, and levels of individual employee compensation will be determined by the Director of Athletics in consultation with the President. The market rate for positions in Athletics not designated as within the Athletics market will be the same as for the University or Local market, as appropriate.

Texas State offers various types of pay, from base annual salary, merit and state longevity. We also provide a summary of your total compensation package, including your benefits. Click below to learn more.
For more information, visit the Classification and Compensation Policy - UPPS 04.04.11.