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FY'25 Salary Review

Merit and Salary increases header

As part of the university’s goal of becoming an employer of choice and recognizing the exceptional work of our staff and faculty, the university has dedicated more than $12 million towards pay increases for employees in the FY 2025 budget.

Who's eligible?

To be eligible for these adjustments, employees must meet the following criteria:

For Salary Increase

  • (≥50% FTE) benefits-eligible staff and faculty who have not received a salary increase between June 1 and August 31, 2024 (except for university and state longevity pay)
  • Received a satisfactory performance review
  • Staff with a start date on or before March 4, 2024
  • Faculty with a start date on or before September 1, 2023
  • Actively employed
  • Completed mandatory trainings (with due dates on or before May 31) prior to September 1, 2024  

Important Dates

Please note the following key dates for the FY25 Salary Review process:

Key ActionDate(s)

HR and Budget prepare eligibility files based on June 1, 2024 staff (May 31, 2024 faculty) salaries

Through June 21

Initial recommendations by department heads

June 24 - July 5

Review by deans and assistant/associate vice presidents

July 8 - July 19

Review and approval by vice presidents

July 22 - August 2

(For Grant, Restricted, and Split-Funding) 
Submit Staff and Faculty PCRs to HR

August 16

Distribution of individual notices to employees

September 1 - 30

First paycheck including the new salary amounts

October 1, 2024

Most change-in-pay personnel actions should be included in the salary review process to avoid the need for separate PCRS. In order to process these salary changes, most other Change-in-Pay PCR’s will only be processed with an effective date of October 1.

Implementation Procedures:

The salary increase package will be implemented in the following order:

  1. Salary increases (as determined by the divisional vice president) will be entered through the SAP Salary Review transaction.
  2. Grant, Restricted, and Split-Funding will be entered through Change-in-Pay PCR.

Important Information & Resources:

For implementing salary review increases in SAP, please review the Salary Review Process guide

For implementing salary review increases through PCR, please review the grant and externally funded positions section of our webpage. If your grant is insufficient in funds, please contact your grant accountant in ORSP for further instructions. 

For distributing individual notices to eligible faculty and staff between September 1 - 30, please use the Salary Increase Notice template.

For Grant and Externally-Funded Positions:

Departments with grant and externally-funded positions are expected to match state and institutional pay practices and should review their respective budgets for feasibility and allocate appropriate funding. Exceptions must be approved by the divisional vice president.


How to initiate a Change in Pay PCR

For employees receiving a salary review who were not processed within the SAP salary review transaction, administrative support staff with the SAP department head security are to initiate a Change-in-Pay PCR.

    • Navigate to the SAP Portal (
    • Scroll until you see the “Manage PCRs” section.
    • Click on the Employees in Org Unit (FRM)
    SAP screenshot
    • A new window will pop up. Enter the employee's A# in the search box* and press enter. *Use ZELST to search for A# or personnel numbers to use in this search.
    SAP screenshot
    • Select the employee's primary active assignment. Click on the paper icon to the right of the employee's name to open the PCR menu.
    • Click on the Change in Pay (FPM) option to open a new PCR.
    SAP screenshot
  • A new window will open with the Change in Pay PCR form. Complete the following steps:
    For a complete view, see PCR example.

    1. Effective Date: 09/01/2024 and click Update
    2. Reason for Action: Merit
    3. New Monthly Salary/Hourly Rate: $xxxx.xx* 
      • *The new salary should include the 9/1/24 salary.  
      • If the employee is receiving University Longevity Pay (ULP) on 9/1/24, please indicate in the comments if you want ULP added on top of the 9/1/24 new value field salary on the PCR. 
    4. Complete the New Accounting Information. This will update the employee's cost distribution as of 9/1/24. 
      • For those funded from grant awards, it has been determined that if the award budget is low, it is allowable to fund from an Indirect Cost account to complete the full eligibility. Please contact your grant accountant if you have questions,
    5. Complete comments 
      • Indicate the salary increase amount by percentage. Also provide details about ULP, if applicable. 
    6. You have entered all required items to submit the PCR. Click the Check button to send it to the next approver.
    SAP screenshot

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A full-time equivalent (FTE) is a unit of measurement used to figure out the number of full-time hours worked by all employees in a business. If your business considers 40 hours to be a full-time workweek, then an employee working 40 hours per week would have an FTE of 1.0 (i.e., 100%).

    If you are unsure of your FTE status, please contact your manager or Human Resources. Either party should be able to confirm your status in SAP.

  • All TXST employees must have completed, at minimum, the three required training courses:

    • TXST Cybersecurity Training (renews annually)
    • Tools for an Ethical Workplace (Ethics & Compliance) (renews every two years)
    • Preventing Harassment and Discrimination (EEO & Title IX) (renews every two years)

    These courses (if due by May 31) must show as completed in SF Learning by September 1 to be eligible to receive a salary increase.

    To check the status of your assigned training, go to the SAP Portal, select the SuccessFactors Learning/Performance tile, then select My Learning. All assigned training and due dates can be found in the “My Learning Assignments” area of the page. For guided assistance, including screenshots, please review the SF Learning user guide on Accessing Course Certificates and Learning History

    For supervisors, any overdue training can be found on the My Team tab (and also as an alert tile on the landing page after signing into SF Learning). For guided assistance, including screenshots, please review the SF Learning supervisor’s guide

    For questions regarding required compliance training courses, please contact the Office of Institutional Compliance & Ethics. For help navigating SF Learning or assistance checking your learning history, please visit the SF Learning User Guides website or email Talent Development & Communications. For trouble logging into SAP, please contact ITAC for help.

  • Eligibility is determined as part of your annual performance review. Staff can access your most recent performance review by logging in to Success Factors Performance. Faculty are encouraged to use the Faculty Qualifications System to verify evaluation meets the threshold for merit for this calendar year.

    Contact your supervisor with any questions.

  • If not previously communicated to you, please contact your supervisor or department head to confirm your individual merit increase.

  • If an employee leaves their merit-eligible position and does not go into another merit-eligible position prior to the specified merit effective dates, then they are no longer eligible for the corresponding merit increase.

    • Example: HR Representative, Katie, leaves her salary review eligible position for a graduate assistantship or NSNR (i.e., a non-merit-eligible position). Due to this change to a non-eligible position, Katie would not receive the salary increase based on eligibility criteria.
  • No*. Employees in this situation are not eligible to receive a Change in Pay adjustment until October 1, 2024.

    Any exceptions must be approved by the divisional Vice President and the Executive Vice President for Operations & Chief Financial Officer.

    *Employees that have changed positions, been reclassified, or received a transfer/promotion on or after September 1, 2024, will receive the new salary that corresponds with the action in PeopleAdmin.

  • As an exception to normal policy, merit increases may be requested for eligible classified employees even if the increase would put the employee’s salary above the maximum rate for their title’s pay range.  All such requests will be submitted to the university Chief Financial Officer for final approval, along with the appropriate market data for the employee’s position.