Leaving the University
As you prepare to separate from Texas State University, there are steps you should take to ensure that you complete your obligations to the university, return necessary equipment and property, and receive benefits and final pay.
Helpful information and checklists for employees and supervisors can be found in the Separation section of our Forms website. If you have questions about the separation process, please contact the Office of Human Resources at 5.2557 or hrbenefits@txstate.edu.

Obligations, Benefits and Resources
Download a Separation Checklist & Other Forms
On our Forms website, you can find departmental separation checklists for salaried and hourly employees.
As part of the process, salaried employees are asked to complete an online exit survey (the link will be distributed to you by your department) and a Request for Payment of Leave form which can be found on the Forms website under Separation.
How to Notify Your Manager
- Notify your manager when your last day will be by submitting a resignation letter (via email is sufficient), that specifies your last day of work. Giving at least two weeks notice is best practice, but longer notice is appreciated.
- Download the appropriate Separation Checklist from our forms website to ensure you complete all necessary steps before your last day
- Discuss with your manager any outstanding work or projects
- Discuss with your manager an appropriate email auto-response message, if needed
- Work with your team's system support specialist or technology lead to ensure your computer and files are updated correctly
- Ensure that your time entry is up-to-date in SAP
- Clear out your office or work space
- Contact the Office of Human Resources for any benefits-related questions
Get Paid for Unused Vacation Time
To receive payment for unused FLSA overtime and vacation time, you must submit a Request for Payment of Leave form (found on our forms website) to the Office of Human Resources.
Payment is made in a lump-sum following your final paycheck.
When Your Insurance Coverage Ends & the Option to Enroll in COBRA
When an employee or covered dependent loses eligibility to participate in our insurance plans, coverage is terminated at the end of the month. For example, if an employee's last day is March 1, their insurance coverage will continue until March 31.
Under most circumstances, coverage may be continued through COBRA. Under COBRA, employees pay the full cost of the plan, plus a 2% fee. COBRA is generally offered for up to 18 months.
COBRA is effective the 1st of the month following the end of an employee's active insurance coverage, so there is no gap in coverage.
For more information about enrolling in COBRA and other insurance questions, please contact the Office of Human Resources at 5.2557 or hr@txstate.edu.
What Happens to Retirement Savings
Employees who separate from Texas State University may leave their assets in the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) plan or request to refund their monies from TRS. Steps for refunding monies and the refund application can be found in the Separation section of our forms website.
Employees participating in an Optional Retirement Program (ORP) plan should contact their ORP vendor about options.