Supporting Military Service
If you miss work in order to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces or the state's military forces, your rights and benefits as a Texas State University employee are protected under the university's Military Leave Procedures, detailed in Section 08 of the University Leave Policy (UPPS 04.04.30).
If you need to miss work to care for a spouse, child, parent or next-of-kin family member, who is a current member of the Armed Forces and is recovering from a serious injury or illness sustained while on active duty, or a veteran undergoing treatment or therapy for an injury within five years of active service, you are entitled to military caregiver leave. Learn more about who qualifies for leave by accessing Section 07.05 of the University Leave Policy (UPPS 04.04.30).

Leave, Benefits and Resources
Military Leave
Military Leave Procedures are outlined in UPPS 04.04.30 Section 08. Please review to learn more.
Under this section, it's important that the employee provides advance written or verbal notice for all military duty unless giving notice is impossible, unreasonable, or precluded by military necessity. The employee should complete an Application for Leave Approval form and provide a copy of the military orders. The department head will forward the request to Human Resources for verification and coordination of benefits with the employee.
If you have any question about pay, time away from Texas State, or benefits, while on military leave, please contact the Office of Human Resources at 5.2557 or
Military Family Leave
Military Caregiver Leave is covered under the university's Federal Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) Procedures and is outlined in UPPS 04.04.30 Section 07.05.
To initiate leave, contact your immediate supervisor and complete a Request for Family and Medical Leave form. The supervisor will immediately forward the request to Human Resources. The employee must submit a Certification of Health Care Provider form to Human Resources. Human Resources will verify eligibility and notify the employee and department head of approval.
If you have any questions, contact the Office of Human Resources at 5.2557 or
Support Resources
Active military, veterans and family members can find on and off-campus resources through our Veterans Employment and Support website, including: academic, benefits, career enhancement, employment, health & wellness support, and networking & events resources.
All employees and their dependents also have access to Bobcat Balance, your work life and employee assistance program. This program provides free and confidential services and resources to help you through various life experiences, including resource information on: counseling, household resources, financial planning, legal services, and more.