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HR Connections Planning Team

The HR Forum Planning Team is comprised of representatives from the following offices: Talent Development & Communications, Faculty Academic Resources, Budgeting, Financial Planning & Analysis, Payroll and Tax Compliance, and Institutional Compliance and Ethics.

Members of the HR Forum Planning Team serve a significant role in identifying timely and relevant topics to be included within the HR Forum agenda every quarter.

Planning Team Members

Alicia BarthelExecutive Director for Talent Strategy
Cristine BlackAssistant VP of Budgeting, Financial Planning & Analysis
Dani DalrympleManager of Talent Development & Communications
Madeline Davila AdamsDirector of Payroll and Tax Compliance
Bobby MasonAssistant VP of Institutional Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer
Asanti WileyHuman Resources Communications Representative I
Lyndi WittekiendDirector of Faculty & Academic Resources
Georgia ZaborowskiHuman Resources Communications Representative II