New Employee Notices
Below please find a list of required notices for new employees of Texas State. The coverage and scope of these policies can vary by employee classification and work location. University employees shall review and abide by these policies, as applicable, now and in the future. Supervisors and Human Resources personnel are expected to review and administer these policies in a consistent and equitable manner. The University reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify or revoke any of these policies, at any time, in accordance with applicable law.
Texas State University Employee Policies and Regulations
Drug-Free Workplace
Drug-Free Workplace UPPS No. 04.04.45 | Contains Texas State University’s policy establishing a drug-free workplace.
Drug-Free Schools and Communities
Drug Free Schools and Communities | Information for students and employees regarding illicit drugs and alcohol abuse. UPPS 04.04.48 Contains Texas State University's policy regarding compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of Amendments of 1989.
Outside Employment and Activities
Outside Employment and Activities UPPS No. 04.04.06 | Establishes procedures for individuals who have concurrent employment or participate in certain activities outside Texas State University.
Selective Service Requirements
The University is required by law to verify that new employees, who are required to register, have registered with Selective Service under the requirements established by the federal government and administered through the Selective Service System.
Who is Eligible? Male U.S. citizens and male aliens living in the U.S., who are 18-25 years of age, are required to register with the U.S. Selective Service System. Lawful non-immigrants on visas are NOT required to register including men on student or visitor visas. Legal permanent residents ARE required to register. For a complete listing of who is required to register, please reference to view a chart on who must register.
How to Register? If you are not registered as required, you are presently not eligible to be hired and should register promptly. Eligible individuals may register on-line at, at any U.S. Post Office, by mail, or during the application process for Federal Student Financial Aid (FAFAS). Men living overseas may register at any U.S. Embassy or consular office.
Should any question arise regarding your registration or eligibility for an exemption, you may request an official "status information" letter from the Selective Service System by calling 847-688-6888 or by sending a written request to the Selective Service System at P.O. Box 94638, Palatine, IL 60094-4638.
Under HB 558, enacted by the 76th Texas State Legislature, if you are currently of the age and gender requiring registration with Selective Service, but knowingly and willfully fail to do so, you are ineligible for employment with an agency in any branch of Texas state government. Any offer of employment is contingent on your compliance with Selective Service law.
Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act
Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act | Campus Security & Fire Safety Report.
Workplace Accommodations
Workplace Accommodations UPPS No. 04.04.60 | Describes procedures for requesting employment accommodations based on disability-related needs.
Workers' Compensation Injuries, Illnesses and Claims
Notice of Network Requirements | Brochure
Establishes policies and procedures for the prevention of accidents, enhancement of safety programs, and processing of compensation claims under the State Office of Risk Management (SORM) Workers’ Compensation program’s provisions.
Expressive Activities Policy
Expressive Activities Policy | UPPS 07.04.01
State of Texas Employee Policies and Regulations
State Purchasing and General Services Act
State Purchasing and General Services Act | Texas Government Code, Chapter 403.01, 403.271-278, Accounting and responsibility of state property.
Protection for Reporting Violation of Law
Retaliation Prohibited for Reporting Violation of Law | Texas Government Code, Chapter 554. Prohibits government entities from retaliation for public employees who report violations of the law in good faith.
Political Activities by Certain Public Entities and Individuals
Texas Government Code, Chapter 556 | Texas Government Code, Chapter 556. State employees’ rights and prohibited acts regarding political activities. -
Standards of Conduct
Standards of Conduct | Texas Government Code, Chapter 572.051, Standards of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Provisions for state employees.
Multiple State Employments
Multiple State Employments | Texas Government Code, Chapter 667. Employment by more than one state agency or institution of higher education.
See Outside Employment and Activities (UPPS No. 04.04.06) for information regarding outside employment and activities.
HIV/AIDS and the Workplace
HIV/AIDS and the Workplace | Texas Health and Human Services resource on HIV, AIDS, and the workplace
Information Regarding Sexual Misconduct in the Workplace
General Information
General Information | Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX
EEO and Title IX Notice
EEO and Title IX Notice | Texas State University System Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures
Report an Issue
Report an Issue | Instructions and login to report an incident